
Save time, money with a subject matter expert


Oracle licensing is complex and we get it!  Let us guide you along the path to success.


Advisory Services

Gadsby Technologies in-depth understanding of Oracle’s past and current perpetual and subscription agreements enables us to make valuable and strategic recommendations. Oracle license definitions change constantly and managing what you own and how it applies to your current deployments can be daunting.  We advise on everything from Oracle contract terms and pricing, baseline assessments, audit support, legal entity changes (M&A), annual support costs, license policies and architecture optimization. Our team combines Oracle license knowledge with technical expertise to help you optimize your licenses.


ULA Optimization

Thinking about a new ULA or a ULA certification vs. extending or maybe a PULA? Oracle's current enterprise agreement flavor is called a ULA, where a company is entitled to an unlimited usage right of a set list of programs for a set term. Performing an assessment in order to optimize this agreement and review compliance is essential well in advance of certification. If you have no visibility into what has been deployed and no analysis on the ROI of the contract, this will surely lead to incorrect reporting and large contract extensions with Oracle in the driver’s seat.

Oracle audit readiness service by Gadsby Technologies

Baseline Analysis + Asset Management

A global view of an organizations Oracle license deployments is a necessity in order to maximize the investment and reduce the risk of exposure.  Whether you perform the analysis yourself or you are being audited, a subject matter expert is highly recommended. We create and customize Oracle profiles for organizations across all business sectors. We supply clients with a portfolio summary for both current and past purchases and map entitlements to infrastructure. Oracle license policies, governing terms for entitlements, prerequisites and dependencies, de-support policies and hardware architecture rules are all complex. Our goal is to optimize what you own while maintaining compliance. This reduces the risk of exposure and gives clients a full understanding of the associated costs and a return on their investment in Oracle software.

 License training service for Oracle products by Gadsby Technologies, Software license management and consultation services

Audit Readiness

Are you developing an active management plan and maintaining your Oracle software assets in the event an audit?  Know what you have deployed, establish a baseline, and manage change accordingly. Gadsby Technologies can assess your current Oracle license entitlements and usage footprint to identify potential risks of exposure. We can interpret contractual terms & conditions to ensure licenses are being assigned correctly and educate on architecture optimization. We will assist you every step of the way in managing Oracle software assets, so you are audit prepared.

Oracle contract training service for Oracle products by Gadsby Technologies

Oracle Contracts

Cloud Contracts, On-Premise, New or Extending ULA? Informed decisions are imperative in order to maximize your ROI and reduce the risk of exposure. Contracting errors can lead to millions of dollars in unbudgeted spend due to the complexity of the terms and conditions. Our experience in negotiating contracts for over 20 years allows us to advise on new contract terms, existing contract interpretation and optimization and contractual realignment to the current and future business requirement needs.

Product recommendation service for Oracle products by Gadsby Technologies, Software license management and consultation services

License Training

Need a subject matter expert? We can work with your software asset management team, procurement, I.T, and executive management to educate and inform. Deliverables include education on licensing policies, asset management strategy, architectures that reduce the risk of compliance, contractual terms, negotiations and establishing a current baseline. Workshops are available for individual client requirements.



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